Results for 'C. Vladimir Vuki Cevi'

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  1.  7
    Logik und Zeit in der phänomenologischen Philosophie Martin Heideggers: 1925-1928.C. Vladimir Vuki Cevi - 1988 - New York: G. Olms.
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    Živo i život.Vladimir Koščević - 1991 - Zagreb: Kulturno-prosvjetni sabor Hrvatske. Edited by Srboljub Stojanović.
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    Wittgenstein's Vienna.C. Henderson & Vladimir Zeman - 1976 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 14 (1):118-121.
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  4. Filozofski izvori političkog mesijanstva.C. Dragan Laki Cevi - 1994 - Novi Sad: Svetovi.
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    Faḍlallāh Rūzbihān Khunjī-Iṣfahānī: Tārīkh-i ʿĀlam-āra-yī AmīnīPersia in A. D. 1478-1490Fadlallah Ruzbihan Khunji-Isfahani: Tarikh-i Alam-ara-yi Amini. [REVIEW]C. Edmund Bosworth, John E. Woods & Vladimir Minorsky - 1995 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 115 (3):555.
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    Između Čeke i Gestapoa: Ivan Iljin i Vaskrs Rusije.Vladimir Dimitrijević (ed.) - 2014 - Beograd: Catena mundi.
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    Robotics and Well-Being.Maria Isabel Aldinhas Ferreira, Ana S. Aníbal, P. Beardsley, Selmer Bringsjord, Paulo S. Carvalho, Raja Chatila, Vladimir Estivill-Castro, Nicola Fabiano, Sarah R. Fletcher, Rodolphe Gelin, Rikhiya Ghosh, Naveen Sundar Govindarajulu, John C. Havens, Teegan L. Johnson, Endre E. Kadar, Jon Larreina, Pedro U. Lima, Stuti Thapa Magar, Bertram F. Malle, André Martins, Michael P. Musielewicz, A. Mylaeus, Matthew Peveler, Matthias Scheutz, João Silva Sequeira, R. Siegwart, B. Tranter & A. Vempati (eds.) - 2019 - Springer Verlag.
    This book highlights some of the most pressing safety, ethical, legal and societal issues related to the diverse contexts in which robotic technologies apply. Focusing on the essential concept of well-being, it addresses topics that are fundamental not only for research, but also for industry and end-users, discussing the challenges in a wide variety of applications, including domestic robots, autonomous manufacturing, personal care robots and drones.
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    Catholicism Engaging Other Faiths: Vatican Ii and its Impact.Michael Amaladoss S. J., Roberto Catalano, Francis X. Clooney S. J., Archbishop Michael L. Fitzgerald, Richard Girardin, Roger Haight S. J., Sallie B. King, Vladimir Latinovic, Leo D. Lefebure, Archbishop Felix Machado, Gerard Mannion, Alexander E. Massad, Sandra Mazzolini, Dawn M. Nothwehr O. S. F., John T. Pawlikowski O. S. M., Peter C. Phan, Jonathan Ray, William Skudlarek O. S. B., Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran, Jason Welle O. F. M. & Taraneh R. Wilkinson (eds.) - 2018 - Springer Verlag.
    This book assesses how Vatican II opened up the Catholic Church to encounter, dialogue, and engagement with other world religions. Opening with a contribution from the President of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue, Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran, it next explores the impact, relevance, and promise of the Declaration Nostra Aetate before turning to consider how Vatican II in general has influenced interfaith dialogue and the intellectual and comparative study of world religions in the postconciliar decades, as well as the contribution (...)
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    Variables in Action Descriptions: Merging C+ with ADL.Vladimir Lifschitz - unknown
    Action description language C+ is more expressive than ADL in many ways; for instance, it addresses the ramification problem. On the other hand, ADL is based on first-order logic, while C+ is only propositional; expressions with variables, which are frequently used when action domains are described in C+, are merely..
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    L'aventure, l'ennui, le sérieux.Vladimir Jankélévitch - 2017 - Aubier, Éditions Montaigne.
    "L'Aventure, l'Ennui et le Sérieux sont trois manières dissemblables de considérer le temps. Ce qui est vécu, et passionnément espéré dans l'aventure, c'est le surgissement de l'avenir. L'ennui, par contre, est plutôt vécu au présent : dans cette maladie l'avenir déprécie rétroactivement l'heure présente, alors qu'il devrait l'éclairer de sa lumière. Quant au sérieux, il est une certaine façon raisonnable et générale non pas de vivre le temps, mais de l'envisager dans son ensemble, de prendre en considération la plus longue (...)
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    Basic Perspectives of Vladimir Nabokov’s Metaphysics.C. Hong & W. Xiumei - 2018 - Концепт: Философия, Религия, Культура 3:170-177.
    Vladimir Vladimirovich Nabokov is a distinctive representative of Russian literature in the 20th century. His works are studied by many famous artists in many countries. The conciseness and beauty of his language are unique characteristics of Nabokov’s creation. His works show great philosophical depth, high moral values, and aesthetic accomplishments. His erudition has also attracted the attention of the world. This paper mainly expounds his metaphysical ideas: Nabokov’s metaphysics is mainly expressed in his great understanding of the world and (...)
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  12.  21
    A Modular Action Description Language.Vladimir Lifschitz - unknown
    “Toy worlds” involving actions, such as the blocks world and the Missionaries and Cannibals puzzle, are often used by researchers in the areas of commonsense reasoning and planning to illustrate and test their ideas. We would like to create a database of generalpurpose knowledge about actions that encodes common features of many action domains of this kind, in the same way as abstract algebra and topology represent common features of specific number systems. This paper is a report on the first (...)
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    Arithmetizations of Syllogistic à la Leibniz.Vladimir Sotirov - 1999 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 9 (2-3):387-405.
    ABSTRACT Two models of the Aristotelian syllogistic in arithmetic of natural numbers are built as realizations of an old Leibniz idea. In the interpretation, called Scholastic, terms are replaced by integers greater than 1, and s.Ap is translated as “s is a divisor of p”, sIp as “g.c.d. > 1”. In the interpretation, called Leibnizian, terms are replaced by proper divisors of a special “Universe number” u < 1, and sAp is translated as “s is divisible by p”, sIp as (...)
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  14.  26
    Théologie négative et connaissance de Dieu chez Maître Eckhart.Vladimir Lossky - 1973 - Paris,: J. Vrin. Edited by Eckhart.
    Le merite de cette etude est son refus de reduire la theologie d'Eckhart au developpement systematique d'une seule notion fondamentale. Mais cette theologie n'y est pas non plus concue comme une sorte d'eclectisme ou chacune de ces notions aurait sa place et trouverait successivement son tour. S'il y a chez Eckhart une notion fondamentale, c'est celle de Dieu, ou, plutot, c'est celle de l'ineffabilite de Dieu. Dieu est l'etre, assurement, mais n'est-il pas plutot l'Un? Ou l'Intellect? Comprendre qu'il est chacune (...)
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  15. Prin ce ne asemănăm, prin ce ne deosebim.Alex Leo Şerban, Sorin Vieru, Dan C. Mihăilescu, Claude Karnoouh & Vladimir TISMĂNEANU - 2003 - Dilema 529:10-11.
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    Vladimir Jankélévitch.Françoise Schwab, Pierre-Alban Gutkin-Guinfolleau, Jean-François Rey & Vladimir Jankélévitch (eds.) - 2023 - Paris: Éditions de L'Herne.
    Nul besoin de caution pour s'intéresser à l'oeuvre monumentale de Vladimir Jankélévitch qui traverse de bout en bout le XXe siècle. Philosophe, écrivain, pianiste, musicologue, résistant, témoin et victime d'une guerre qui a "coupé sa vie en deux", infatigable marcheur de la gauche, professeur en Sorbonne... C'est tout cela que fut Vladimir Jankélévitch. Les visages de l'homme sont multiples et ce Cahier, à partir de conférences et d'articles désormais introuvables (sur la musique, la religion et son judaïsme), de (...)
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    The Stoic ‘Science of Speaking Well’.Vladimír Mikeš - 2024 - Ancient Philosophy Today 6 (2):169-194.
    This paper argues that despite prima facie impressions, the first Stoics (the 3rd c. bc) put forward a conception of rhetoric of similar if not of equal importance as that of Plato and Aristotle, who represent two landmarks in the earliest development of what we may call ‘philosophical rhetoric’. The paper shows that the Stoics built upon their predecessors’ ideas, and that once we see this continuity, common features in Plato’s, Aristotle’s and the Stoics’ conception of rhetoric come to the (...)
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    The semantics of variables in action descriptions.Vladimir Lifschitz & W. Ren - manuscript
    structures, or interpretations, in the sense of first-order logic. In C+, on the other hand, a state is an interpreta-.
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    “Megadeposit” of Jaina Philosophy in Russian.Vladimir Shokhin - 2024 - History of Philosophy 29 (2):145-152.
    Natalia Zheleznova’s unique contribution to Jaina studies in Russia, this time with her translation of the enormous Akalaṅka’s subcommentary (8th century C.E.) to the basic text of Jaina philosophy, the Tattvārthādhigamasūtra by Umāsvāti (3rd–4th centuries C.E.), is emphasized in this review. At the same time, two core formats of the whole Indian philosophizing are being conceptualized, i.e. the polemical building of Indian theoretical discourse as a whole, which is incorporated into the dialogical texture of any commentary aspiring at any importance (...)
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    La tentation comme paradigme de la culture chrétienne : l'exemple de l'œuvre de Dostoïevski.Vladimir Kantor - 2013 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 138 (2):239-252.
    Можно ли сказать, что в центре христианской культуры лежит искушение - как о том свидетельствуют в евангельских повествованиях искушения Христа Дьяволом? Так, кажется, думает Достоевский, который - в особенности в «Братьях Карамазовых» - стремится показать, что именно невинные становятся жертвами дьявольских козней. Такова для него и ситуация русского народа, который он идеализирует, противопоставляя его интеллигенции. В реальности, как показывает недавняя история, эта претензия на «невинность» русского народа была лишь фантазмом Достоевского. La tentation serait-elle au centre de la culture chrétienne comme (...)
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    Field operators and their spectral properties in finite-dimensional quantum field theory.Vladimir Naroditsky - 1985 - Foundations of Physics 15 (3):319-331.
    In Ref. 1 we have considered the finite-dimensional quantum mechanics. There the quantum mechanical space of states wasV=C r. It is known that the second quantization of this space is the space of square-summable functions of finite number of variables(L 2(Rr,dx)) (Segal isomorphism). Creation and annihilation operators were introduced in Ref. 1, and the former coincided with the usual position and momentum operators in the conventional quantum mechanics. In this paper we shall investigate the spectral properties of field operators. We (...)
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    A new axiomatization of Jaśkowski's discussive logic.Vladimir L. Vasyukov - 2001 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 9:35.
    In 1995 N. C. A. da Costa and F. Doria proposed the modaltype elegant axiomatization of Jaśkowski’s discussive logic D2. Yet his ownproblem which was formulated in 1975 in a following way: Is it possible toformulate natural and simple axiomatization for D2, employing classical disjunction and conjunction along with discussive implication and conjunctionas the only primitive connectives? — still seems left open. The matter of factis there are some axiomatizations of D2 proposed, e.g., by T. Furmanowski, J. Kotas and N. (...)
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    Decidability: theorems and admissible rules.Vladimir Rybakov - 2008 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 18 (2):293-308.
    The paper deals with a temporal multi-agent logic TMAZ, which imitates taking of decisions based on agents' access to knowledge by their interaction. The interaction is modelled by possible communication channels between agents in special temporal Kripke/Hintikka-like models. The logic TMAZ distinguishes local and global decisions-making. TMAZ is based on temporal Kripke/Hintikka models with agents' accessibility relations defined on states of all possible time clusters C(i) (where indexes i range over all integer numbers Z). The main result provides a decision (...)
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  24. Historický materializmus a aktuálne otázky súčasnosti.Leo Hanzel & Vladimir Ivanovich Razin (eds.) - 1979 - Bratislava: Pravda.
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    Actions as Special Cases.Vladimir Lifschitz - unknown
    This paper is motivated by the idea of interaction between two directions of research in knowledge representation: the design of action description languages and the development of libraries of reusable, general-purpose knowledge components. Writing an action description that characterizes actions in terms of their effects, as common today, can be compared to writing a program that does not use standard subroutines. We conjecture that a library of standard descriptions for a number of “basic” actions can facilitate writing, understanding and modifying (...)
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    Irrelevant Actions in Plan Generation.Vladimir Lifschitz - unknown
    be irrelevant for achieving the given goal. We make this idea precise by defining, for an action description in language C+, when a subset of its..
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    Why the Monkey Needs the Box: A Serious Look at a Toy Domain.Vladimir Lifschitz - unknown
    “Toy worlds” involving actions, such as the Blocks World and the Monkey and Bananas domain, are often used by researchers in the areas of commonsense reasoning and planning to illustrate and test their ideas. Many of the axioms found in descriptions of these toy worlds are expressions of generalpurpose knowledge, though they are often cast in a form only useful for solving one specific problem and are not faithful representations of general facts that can be used in other domains. Instead (...)
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    La bureaucratie rationnelle et la crise de la culture.Vladimir Porous - 2013 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 138 (2):203-214.
    Для Макса Вебера «рациональная бюрократия» есть идеальный тип организации общества. Однако идеальный тип не позволяет заполнить провал между властью и обществом, который называется отчуждением. Это - миф, и когда Макс Вебер говорит о рациональности, то в основе этого лежат не требования научности, но отсылка к некоей культурной аксиологии. Этот миф можно критиковать, анализируя конкретное поведение бюрократов, обычно мало рациональное, но также ставя под вопрос и саму культуру, которая хочет быть или даже претендует быть рационалистической. В России чудовищность бюрократии является следствием (...)
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    Socio-Cultural Aspects of the Standard Model in Elementary Particles Physics and the History of Its Creation.Vladimir P. Vizgin - 2020 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 57 (3):160-175.
    The article соnsiders the socio-cultural aspects of the standard model (SM) in elementary particle physics and history of its creation. SM is a quantum field gauge theory of electromagnetic, weak and strong interactions, which is the basis of the modern theory of elementary particles. The process of its elaboration covers a twenty-year period: from 1954 (the concept of gauge fields by C. Yang and R. Mills) to the early 1970s., when the construction of renormalized quantum chromodynamics and electroweak theory wеre (...)
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    Le paradoxe stoïcien.Vladimír Mikes - 2008 - Philosophie Antique 8:189-214.
    L’article aborde le sujet souvent débattu du rapport entre le détermi­nisme stoïcien et la morale pour rouvrir la question de la notion d’assentiment. Dans ce but, il réexamine les sources pour montrer deux choses : que les inter­prétations dites compatibilistes ont raison dans leur effort général pour montrer que les stoïciens restent déterministes quand ils présentent leur psychologie de l’action et défendent l’idée de responsabilité, mais qu’en même temps elles vont trop loin quand elles affirment – dans un effort de (...)
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    L'irréversible et la nostalgie.Vladimir Jankélévitch - 1974 - Paris: Flammarion.
    Qu'est-ce que la nostalgie sinon une mélancolie humaine rendue possible par la conscience de quelque chose d'autre, d'un ailleurs, d'un contraste entre passé et présent? Et cette nostalgie n'est-elle pas aussi provoquée essentiellement par l'irréversibilité du temps? Car on ne saurait remonter le cours du temps, tel est l'obstacle insurmontable qu'il oppose à nos entreprises. C'est notre impuissance devant cette impossibilité qui fait toute l'amertume de la nostalgie et l'absurdité des chimères du rajeunissement. La nostalgie n'est pas le mal (lu (...)
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    Similarities in the induction of the intracellular pathogen response in Caenorhabditis elegans and the type I interferon response in mammals.Vladimir Lažetić, Lakshmi E. Batachari, Alistair B. Russell & Emily R. Troemel - 2023 - Bioessays 45 (11):2300097.
    Although the type‐I interferon (IFN‐I) response is considered vertebrate‐specific, recent findings about the Intracellular Pathogen Response (IPR) in nematode Caenorhabditis elegans indicate that there are similarities between these two transcriptional immunological programs. The IPR is induced during infection with natural intracellular fungal and viral pathogens of the intestine and promotes resistance against these pathogens. Similarly, the IFN‐I response is induced by viruses and other intracellular pathogens and promotes resistance against infection. Whether the IPR and the IFN‐I response evolved in a (...)
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  33. Is the personal-member institution of the Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences justified in the light of scientometric indicators?Alexander Gabovich & Vladimir Kuznetsov - 2011 - Sociology of Science and Technology 2 (2):47-68.
    Existence of state-supported academies of science is a distinctive feature of the fundamental-science organization in Ukraine. Their research staff is divided into two groups: (i) personal members (academicians and corresponding members) and the rest of the researchers. First-group members have numerous economic and status privileges. It is officially purported that personal members are scientifically qualified than their colleagues. We analyzed this hypothesis on the basis of international indicators of the scientifi c activity (numbers of publications in the international peer-reviewed journals (...)
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    A Knowledge Module: Buying and Selling.Joohyung Lee & Vladimir Lifschitz - unknown
    This note shows how to formalize a small set of general facts about buying and selling. We begin with summarizing properties of buying/selling informally in English, and give examples of consequences of these assumptions. Then we formalize our assumptions in action language C+ with additive fluents and actions and test the adequacy of the proposed formalization using the Causal Calculator.
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  35. Representing the Zoo World and the Traffic World in the language of the causal calculator.Varol Akman, Selim T. Erdoğan, Joohyung Lee, Vladimir Lifschitz & Hudson Turner - 2004 - Artificial Intelligence 153 (1-2):105-140.
    The work described in this report is motivated by the desire to test the expressive possibilities of action language C+. The Causal Calculator (CCalc) is a system that answers queries about action domains described in a fragment of that language. The Zoo World and the Traffic World have been proposed by Erik Sandewall in his Logic Modelling Workshop—an environment for communicating axiomatizations of action domains of nontrivial size. -/- The Zoo World consists of several cages and the exterior, gates between (...)
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  36. Vladimir Jankélévitch, Forgiveness. [REVIEW]James C. Klagge - 2007 - Philosophy in Review 27 (1):42-43.
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    On not being spirited away: pneumatology and critical presence.John C. McDowell - unknown
    'Christian theology', Vladimir Lossky observes, 'does not know of an abstract divinity'. By this one can read 'no doctrine of God abstracted from the rich sets of traditions that provide a context for the form of such a confession', traditions that shape reason doxologically to witness to the incomprehensible 'plentitude of being'. Sounding like Pascal he declares that 'the God of the philosophers and savants is introduced into the heart of the Living God, taking the place of the Deus (...)
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    The Communist Manifesto.Jeffrey C. Isaac (ed.) - 2012 - Yale University Press.
    Marx and Engels's _Communist Manifesto_ has become one of the world’s most influential political tracts since its original 1848 publication. Part of the Rethinking the Western Tradition series, this edition of the _Manifesto_ features an extensive introduction by Jeffrey C. Isaac, and essays by Vladimir Tismaneanu, Steven Lukes, Saskia Sassen, and Stephen Eric Bronner, each well known for their writing on questions central to the _Manifesto_ and the history of Marxism. These essays address the _Manifesto_'s historical background, its impact (...)
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    Change and Progress in Modern Science: Papers Related to and Arising from the Fourth International Conference on History and Philosophy of Science, Blacksburg, Virginia, November 1982.Joseph C. Pitt - 1985 - Springer.
    The papers presented here derive from the 4th International Confe:--ence on History and Philosophy of Science held in Blacksburg, Virginia, U. S. A., November 2-6, 1982. The Conference was sponsored by the I nternational Union of History and Philosophy of Science and Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech). Particular thanks go to L. Jonathan Cohen, Secretary of the Union, as well as to Dean Henry Bauer of the College of Arts & Sciences, Wilfred Jewkes and the Center for (...)
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    Vladimir Soloviev, Jacques Maritain et le personnalisme chrétien.Patrick de Laubier (ed.) - 2008 - Paris: Parole et silence.
    Vladimir Soloviev et Jacques Maritain sont des philosophes pour aujourd'hui et pour demain. Ils ont laissé des œuvres considérables par leur originalité, leur profondeur et la qualité de leur style. Célèbres, puis un peu oubliés, ces deux talentueux penseurs ont cherché la vérité. Ni Soloviev ni Maritain n'ont eu d'ailleurs des carrières académiques classiques, et la liberté que donne une vie dispensée d'obligations administratives a probablement favorisé leur remarquable créativité. L'un et l'autre ont aimé non seulement le Christ, mais (...)
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    Vladimir S. Bibler: A Remarkable Russian Philosopher.Tamara B. Dlugach - 2021 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 58 (5):311-322.
    This article discusses a new conception of logic developed by the well-known Russian philosopher Vladimir Solomonovich Bibler. Analyzing prior methods of thinking and previous types of logics, he c...
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    Ex Oriente Lux? W. Ball: Rome in the East. The Transformation of an Empire . Pp. xix + 523, pls, figs. London and New York: Routledge, 1999. Cased, £65. ISBN: 0-415-11376-8. J. Curtis (ed.): Mesopotamia and Iran in the Parthian and Sasanian Periods. Rejection and Revival c. 238 BC–AD 642. Proceedings of a Seminar in Memory of Vladimir G. Lukonin . Pp. 80, ills, pls. London: British Museum Press, 2000. Cased, £20. ISBN: 0-71411146-. [REVIEW]Michael Whitby - 2001 - The Classical Review 51 (02):341-.
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    Philosophie russe et pensée européenne : le cas de Vladimir S. Soloviev.Piama P. Gaidenko - 2009 - Diogène 222 (2):32-47.
    La philosophie russe du 19e siècle s'est développée en contact étroit avec la philosophie européenne. L'influence la plus forte a été exercée par la philosophie classique allemande. Cela est illustré de façon frappante par la doctrine de Vladimir Soloviev, un penseur éminent du 19e siècle. Soloviev doit plusieurs principes de sa doctrine à Friedrich Schelling à qui il a emprunté son concept fondamental d'un être " unitotal ". On peut aussi faire remonter jusqu'à Schelling la conviction de Soloviev que (...)
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    Plotin, «Ennéades I, 3». Sur la dialectique Vladimir Jankélévitch Préface de Lucien Jerphagnon, édition établie par Jacqueline Lagrée et Françoise Schwab Collection «Écrits de Plotin» Paris, Éditions du Cerf, 1998, 139 p. [REVIEW]Richard Dufour - 1999 - Dialogue 38 (3):617-.
    Après les traités 38, 50 et 25, les Éditions du Cerf récidivent avec un nouveau titre, le traité 20 Sur la dialectique. Il faut toutefois aborder ce livre d’une manière toute spéciale, car il se distingue radicalement des autres parutions de cette collection. L’auteur, Vladimir Jankélévitch, s’est en effet éteint à Paris en 1985, à l’âge de quatre-vingt-deux ans. Le travail qu’on offre au public prend donc la forme d’un hommage posthume à ce philosophe français dont les publications s’étendent (...)
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  45. Cколько стоятъ въ Лондонѣ галоши.Grigori Utgof - 2012 - Sign Systems Studies 40 (1-2):244-258.
    Summing up the ideas expressed in the most influential articles on the semantic halo of the Russian trochaic pentameter, scholars tend to avoid one particularly tricky question: how many units – and what kind of units – are needed to detect extra layers of meaning in a particular text? While the article of Kiril Taranovsky “О взаимоотношении стихотворного ритма и тематики” had implied that the source of these meanings (e.g. the dynamic theme of the journey) should be sought in a (...)
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    L'avant-garde de la tradition dans la culture.Arnaud Guyot-Jeannin - 2016 - Paris: Pierre-Guillaume de Roux. Edited by Pierre Le Vigan.
    C'est en réponse aux effets délétères du progrès que se conçoit la notion salutaire de "Tradition". Ce terme, issu du latin tradere qui signifie "transmettre", recouvre l'ensemble des valeurs et des réalités immuables à travers le temps. Loin d'engager la tension purement manichéenne entre le spirituel et le temporel, l'appel de la Tradition conduit, au contraire, à réintroduire dans la société et l'Histoire religion et mode de vie différencié. Combat perdu d'avance? Utopie vouée à la dérision ou quête spirituelle portée (...)
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    Reflective Equilibrium and the Principles of Logical Analysis: Understanding the Laws of Logic.Jaroslav Peregrin & Vladimír Svoboda - 2017 - New York: Routledge. Edited by Vladimír Svoboda.
    This book offers a comprehensive account of logic that addresses fundamental issues concerning the nature and foundations of the discipline. The authors claim that these foundations can not only be established without the need for strong metaphysical assumptions, but also without hypostasizing logical forms as specific entities. They present a systematic argument that the primary subject matter of logic is our linguistic interaction rather than our private reasoning and it is thus misleading to see logic as revealing "the laws of (...)
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  48. C. The Theory Approach.C. S. Chihara & J. A. Fodor - 1991 - In David M. Rosenthal (ed.), The Nature of Mind. Oxford University Press. pp. 137.
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    De l'effectivité ou la présence absente de Schelling chez Jankélévitch.Élisabeth Grimmer - 2010 - Archives de Philosophie 73 (2):267-283.
    La philosophie de Vladimir Jankélévitch est habituellement rapportée à l’héritage de Bergson, voire y est réduite. Sa thèse de doctorat sur Schelling laisse cependant une empreinte dans son œuvre, qui peut être qualifiée de complémentaire. C’est la découverte de l’effectivité dans la dernière philosophie de Schelling, allant de pair avec l’idée de totalité, qui suscite l’intérêt du jeune Jankélévitch et influencera sa propre pensée philosophique sans que celle-ci ne perde pour autant sa profonde originalité.The philosophy of Jankélévitch is generally (...)
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    Strukture prostora in časa.Bojan Čas (ed.) - 2005 - Kamnik: Solski center Rudolfa Maistra.
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